Do you need cash for your ongoing construction work$%: Do you need cash urgently$%: Do not worry. With a construction loan you can perfectly meet your monetary requirement.
A construction loan is provided to borrower to cover sudden monetary void while constructing a house. This loan is also called as story loan, because, creditors offer the loan after knowing the story behind construction. However, if you opt for a construction loan, you can avail the any sum in between :%$pound;50,000-:%$pound;2,000,000. Usually, this loan is offered for a short period of time.
Now, let's talk about the interest rate of a construction loan. The interest rate of this loan is decided on the basis of various factors, such as, the stage of work, agreement among the parties and so on. Normally, two options are available with this loan, adjustable and variable rates options. As a construction loan is a short-term loan, therefore, the interest rate of this loan is relatively high. So, do not for get to compare various loan quotes before applying for a construction loan.
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While availing a construction loan, you can opt for construction to permanent loan program. According to this program, a construction loans will be converted to mortgage loan after the issue of the possession certificate. But do not think that in that case you will have to pay for two different loans. In case your construction loan is changed to mortgage loan, then one will be application and other one closing.
But always bear in your mind that like secured loans, in a construction loan, there is a chance of collateral repossession. In this option, your home will play the role of collateral, thus, if you cannot repay the amount, your collateral will be seized. So, think properly before taking a decision. In such cases, experts' advice can show you the right way.